Terms & Conditions

Global Day Pass Terms and Conditions

We are VGWD s.r.o., a limited liability company incorporated under the law of Czech Republic, with ID No. 194 28 472 and seat at Za Kovárnou 422/19, 111 01 Prague, Czech Republic (“VGWD”, “we”, “us”, “our”). You can contact us at [email protected] or via our website at https://globaldaypass.com/contact.


We provide our products or services to you (“Customer”, “you”, “your”) under the following conditions. If you visit our website or make a purchase from our website, you agree to these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions primarily contain terms of sale, together with any other legal terms that may affect your rights or obligations.


General Information and Acceptance of Terms

These Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) govern the rights and obligations of VGWD and the Customer concerning the use of the VGWD's website www.globaldaypass.com and its application (“Website”), and the offer of third parties' products or services through the Website to the Customer (“Day Pass”). 


The Terms, together with VGWD's Privacy policy (“Privacy policy”; provided at https://globaldaypass.com/privacy), other legal notices and communication between VGWD and the Customer constitute a contract between the Customer and VGWD (“Contract”). Pursuant to this Contract, VGWD provides the Customer with access to the Website and allows the Customer to use the Website.   


The Website serves as a platform through which third party hotels, as entities providing accommodation, hospitality, entertainment, travel and recreation services and other products (any such individual hotel as “Hotel”), offer and sell day passes to the Customer to give the Customer a time limited access to the Hotel's premises and facilities and provide them with services, which we call Day Pass.


VGWD acts only as intermediary between the Customer and the Hotel. Pursuant to these Terms, the Customer may enter into a purchase agreement with the Hotel regarding the Day Pass (such purchase agreement as “Purchase Agreement” and the steps necessary to enter into the Purchase Agreement, as described below, as “Purchase Procedure”). VGWD does not act as the Customer's agent or fiduciary in providing the Website or mediating any purchases through the Website. VGWD does not act as the Hotel's agent or fiduciary in providing the Website or mediating any purchases through the Website.


As a condition to use the Website and/or to enter into the Purchase agreement, you represent that:


VGWD reserves the right to amend these Terms and such amendments will be effective as of their publication on the Website. The Customer is solely responsible to view these Terms when visiting and using the Website.


By using the Website, you agree to these Terms.


If you do not agree to these Terms or do not conform with the above representations, please stop using the Website.


The Website and its use

The Website is available free of charge through WWW access, only for the use as described in these Terms. 


VGWD grants the Customer a limited license to access and use the Website. VGWD does not guarantee the access to the Website will be permanent or uninterrupted. VGWD may suspend, withdraw, discontinue or change all or any part of the Website. VGWD reserves the right to prohibit the Customer from using the Website and/or purchasing a Day Pass or deny the Customer access to the Website at any time for any reason, including but not limited to, Customer's breach of these Terms. 


The Customer agrees that she or he uses the Website at her or his own risk.


The Customer must not:


VGWD reserves the right to immediately terminate the Customer's access to and use of the Website in the event of any violation of any of the rules set forth in these Terms.



The Customer may register to the Website and create a customer account (“Account”). To create the Account, the Customer must follow the instructions provided after accessing the “Sign Up” page on the Website. In order to successfully create an Account, the Customer must provide his full name, phone number, email address and account login password (“Account Information”). Failure to provide the Account Information will result in the Account not being created. 


The Customer must provide true, accurate, current and complete Account Information. Failure to provide such information may result in inability to make a purchase on the Website or to redeem a purchase at the Hotel due to incorrect, untrue or unverifiable information in the Purchase Agreement. 


To login into the Account, the Customer must enter valid email address and password after accessing the “Login” page on the Website. 


The Account enables the Customer to enter into a Purchase Agreement with the Hotel, i.e., to purchase a Day Pass via the Website under these Terms. 


Through the Account interface available on the Website the Customer may:


Account deletion requests will not be granted while there are outstanding Day Pass purchases.


VGWD reserves the right to immediately delete the Customer's Account in the event of any violation of any of the rules set forth in these Terms by the Customer.


Terms of sale

The Day Pass

The Customer may purchase a Day pass via the Website. The Day Pass is a time limited access to a Hotel's premises and facilities with services provided by the Hotel. 


The Customer purchases a Day Pass from a Hotel. VGWD is not a contracting party to the Purchase Agreement that is created when the Customer purchases the Day Pass from the Hotel via the Website. Such Purchase Agreement is concluded solely between the Customer and the Hotel.


Each Hotel determines the conditions of each of their offered Day Pass. The conditions may include (without limitation):


Such specific conditions are provided in the description of each Day Pass on the Website (“Day Pass Conditions”). Availability of each Day Pass is dependent on date and Hotel’s occupancy. The number of individual Day Passes, i.e., the number of possible bookings, is therefore limited.


The Day Pass Conditions are part of the Purchase Agreement concluded between the Customer and the Hotel after the completion of the following Purchase Procedure.


Each Day Pass is offered for a specific price. All prices displayed on the Website before the Customer begins the Purchase Procedure are prices per adult person per access time window, unless explicitly stated otherwise. 


The Hotel may offer a reduced price for children or under other conditions, according to the Hotel's pricing policy.


The total price to be paid by the Customer consists of:

(together as “Total Price”).


The Total Price includes any and all applicable taxes and represents the whole amount the Customer will be obliged to pay under the Purchase Agreement entered into through the Website. This does not exclude payment for other services provided by the Hotel beyond the Day Pass and the Day Pass Conditions.


The Customer will be informed of the amount of the Total Price, with its breakdown into parts, during the Purchase Procedure before making any payment and before entering into the Purchase Agreement. By proceeding to payment and filling out his payment information, the Customer agrees to the Total Price.


VGWD reserves the right to cancel any purchases, where there is an obvious error in the amount of displayed or billed Price or Total Price of a Day Pass. In this case, the Customer will be refunded his payment for such Day Pass in full.


The Purchase Procedure and entering into the Purchase agreement

Only registered Customer with an Account may purchase a Day Pass. To begin the Purchase Procedure and purchase a Day Pass, the Customer must place an order using the “Book now” button of the selected Day Pass. If the Customer is not logged into his or her Account when clicking the “Book now” button, he will be asked to log in or create an Account. The Customer must then enter the number of adults and children attending and select a day from the list of available dates. The customer may request one date change before the free cancellation period ends; upon doing so, the reservation's deposit will become non-refundable and non-changable.


The Customer must then check the box to confirm he has read these Terms and agrees to them. Without this confirmation, the Customer may not proceed to the next step of the Purchase Procedure and the Purchase agreement will not be concluded.


Before continuing the Purchase Procedure, the Price multiplied by the number of persons selected is shown in the row “Total” and the Service Fee to be paid is shown in the row “Service Fee”.


By continuing the Purchase Procedure, the Customer agrees to the Total Price.


In order to enter the Purchase Agreement, the Customer must pay up to 25 % of the selected Day Pass Price as a reservation fee (“Reservation Fee”) and the Service Fee upfront. The amount to be paid upfront is shown in the row “To pay today”.  This payment is non-refundable. The Customer may only make this payment online using a credit or debit card. For that purpose, the Customer will be redirected to the secure Stripe payment gate, provided by Stripe, Inc., after clicking the “Proceed to Payment” button, where the Customer must follow the gate's instructions in order to pay the Reservation Fee and the Service Fee.


The Customer is obliged to pay the remainder of the Total Price upon redemption of the Day Pass at the Hotel, as explained below.


After successful payment, the Customer will be redirected back to the Website's purchase confirmation page. Shortly after successful payment, the Customer will receive a confirmation email, which will include name of the Customer (according to the Account Information), Day Pass date, number of adults and children attending, Day Pass Conditions (“Confirmation Email”) and a confirmation from Stripe payment gate confirming the successful payment. After successful payment, the Customer can manage his purchased Day Passes via the Account interface on the Website.  Should the customer request an invoice, it must first be done at the hotel where the hotel will offer an invoice for the amount received upon arrival. The rest should be requested by sending us an email at [email protected]


By completing this Purchase Procedure, the Customer enters into a Purchase Agreement with the Hotel, and agrees to the Day Pass Conditions.


The Customer must provide true, accurate, current and complete information during this Purchase Procedure. Failure to provide such information may result in inability to redeem the purchase with the Hotel.


Using the purchased Day Pass and Hotels' visit conditions

The Hotel is the provider of the Day Pass and is solely responsible for the delivery and performance of the Day Pass in accordance with the Purchase Agreement, including the Day Pass Conditions. In order to redeem a purchased Day Pass, the Customer is required to personally visit the providing Hotel on the day and time specified in the Day Pass. Such a visit will be deemed to be the Customer's request for performance of the Day Pass. Upon arrival, the Customer will be required to pay the remainder of the Total Price, i.e., the Total Price reduced by the Reservation Fee and Service Fee already paid. The Customer may pay in cash or by card depending on the Hotel's policy.


The Hotel is responsible for the reception of the Customer. The Customer acknowledges that the Hotel may require the Customer to agree to and abide by other operating conditions or regulations, accommodation rules or require the Customer to waive liability before allowing the Customer to enter the Hotel's premises or facilities and use the Day Pass.


The Customer may not bring his own food or beverages to the Hotel.


Any special requirements or needs of the Customer not covered by the Day Pass Conditions are subject to the Hotel's policy and discretion, and must be discussed with the Hotel prior to entering into the Purchase Agreement. Failure to clarify such request or needs with the Hotel prior to the purchase of the Day Pass may result in the Hotel's inability to fulfil these special requirements or needs and refusal of the Customer's access to the Hotel at the Customer's expense, notwithstanding the Purchase Agreement. 


The Hotel, as the Day Pass provider, is solely responsible for (a) any damages suffered by the Customer or for (b) any Customer's claims arising from or related to, directly or indirectly, in full or in part, (i) the Customer's use of or access to the Hotel's premises or facilities, (ii) use of any services as part of the Day Pass or in connection with the Day Pass, (iii) Customer's use of any other services provided by the Hotel or by a third party acting on behalf of the Hotel, (iv) the misrepresentations in the Day Pass Conditions including misrepresentations arising from inaccuracy of the Day Pass Conditions, (v) the payment or non-payment of any part of the Total Price and (vi) cancellation of the Day Pass (vii) any failure to fulfil the Day Pass in full or in part. This includes the Hotel's sole responsibility for any and all injuries, illnesses, unclaimed property and costs suffered by the Customer directly or indirectly, in full or in part, in connection with the Day Pass and the Purchase Agreement. 


VGWD assumes no liability for (a) any damages suffered by the Customer or for (b) any Customer's claims arising from or related to, directly or indirectly, in full or in part, (i) any act or omission of the Hotel in connection with the use of or access to the Hotel's premises or facilities, (ii) provision of any services as part of the Day Pass or in connection with the Day Pass by the Hotel, (iii) use of any services provided by the Hotel or by a third party acting on behalf of the Hotel, (iv) the misrepresentations in the Day Pass Conditions including misrepresentations arising from inaccuracy of the Day Pass Conditions, (v) the payment or non-payment of any part of the Total Price, (vi) cancellation of the Day Pass and (vii) any failure to fulfil the Day Pass in full or in part; the Customer hereby irrevocably waives all rights against VGWD relating to such damages or claims and releases VGWD from any such liability to the maximum extent allowed by applicable law. 


Withdrawal from the Purchase Agreement

Since the Customer is provided with leisure services for a specific date or period under the Purchase Agreement, the Customer cannot withdraw from the Purchase Agreement as a distance contract.


Links to third party websites

The Website may include third party links and links to third party websites, which may require the Customer to leave the Website. VGWD does not maintain or control any third party links or third party websites listed on the Website and is not responsible for these, including their content, policies, offers, products, services or actions. VGWD assumes no liability for any damages arising from use of any third party links or third party websites. The Customer agrees that any communication, including but not limited to business dealings and conclusion of contracts, made through the Website or originating from the Website between the Customer and a third party is solely between the Customer and such third party. The Customer acknowledges that such communication may be subject to third party terms, conditions or policies.


Other terms

The Customer agrees that any claim or dispute between the Customer and VGWD arising from the Contract will be governed by the law of the Czech Republic.


The Customer may not assign the Contract or the rights and obligations thereunder without prior written consent. Any assignment of the Contract or the rights and obligations thereunder in breach of these Terms will be deemed ineffective towards VGWD. 


VGWD may assign the Contract or the rights and obligations thereunder without notice to the Customer.


Should any provision of these Terms prove to be ineffective, invalid or unenforceable, such provision will not affect the effectivity, validity or unenforceability of remaining provisions of these Terms.



The Customer agrees that all communication, including the conclusion of any contract between the VGWD and the Customer or the Hotel and the Customer, may be done through technical means.




These Terms and Conditions are valid as of 10. 8. 2023.


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